On Friday 5/27/11, in honor of Fleet Week, the USO Girls from "Captain America: The First Avenger" gave a special performance for the sailors aboard the USS Intrepid in New York City.
More photos @ Marvel.com and they promises a video later this week.
What if Steven Spielberg had made a found footage film in the early 1980's? Wouldn't it be, in most ways, the opposite of everything the edgy new genre is known for -- low budgets, ill framed naturally lit shaky shots, dim and/or grainy footage, unscripted reactions, a narrative tone ranging from ambiguous at best to just plain bleak, and aimed at the post-modern hipster crowd. Instead wouldn't it have been a coming of age story blended with big budget action, featuring plucky tween protagonists, awe filled reaction shots, saturated colors, lens flare, an often intense adventure but with moments of wonder, and aimed at abroad general audience. And the found footage that really might have been more or less a MacGuffin in the story. Wouldn't that movie have looked like JJ Abrams' Super 8?
Yes, I know Spielberg and Abrams are in on this project together as Producer and Director respectively -- but I still wonder if that was the concept pitch. There is probably no better Geek Director than Abrams (short of Spielberg transporting himself forward from the past) suited to both re-creating and updating that early Spielberg style. It is cool to see a return to original live action adventure fare aimed at a broad audience including tweens -- instead of just looking for the next book based franchise to fill Harry Potter's robes. The upcoming Real Steel looks like it's aiming for the same thing. It is refreshing.
Extras: The movie site also has a viral game unlocking Lost-style clips in it's Editing Room. And there's an emulator app that will turn your iPhone into a Retro Super 8 camera complete with filters and editor.
MTV offers an exclusive clip featuring Colin Farrell from the upcoming Fright Night remake.
We Are The Nightis an original Girl Power Vamp flick from Germany. Seen by many as a return to Arthouse style vampire films in the vein of The Hunger. more clips @ Dread Central.
OK - I've read that this Featurette has great snippets from the cast, new footage, and SPOILERS.
So I haven't watched it -- but you can if you dare -- I'll just leave the room.
Conor Kilpatrick at iFanboy.com managed to get a copy of the Wonder Woman Pilot -here's his Review - go check it out. He also supplied these screen caps. Kilpatrick was one of those who got to see the original pilot script -- giving it one of the less hate filled but still critical reviews -- so now he's able to relay a lot of clear info on what was changed or left out. His review is fairly positive -- but the most interesting aspect to me is that the pilot he viewed was still unfinished, with incomplete effects, and inconsistencies with the costumes. Unfortunately that still sounds like an unclear concept, with any positive changes coming too late to deliver a polished pilot, and then they just gave up. And if she really had the bad-ass attitude she has in these shots -- it might have had potential.
My previous post on issues with the show and costume is here.
It's Harlan Ellison's Birthday today. Which reminds me of an almost unbelievable episode from the new Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated Cartoon. Titled The Shrieking Madness -- it features not only
Mr. Ellison (voiced by himself) but also an author named H.P. Hatecraft (voiced by Jeffrey Combs).
This clip shows them together at the end after the Mythos based mystery has been solved.
It was a groovy time -- Emma and Sebastian hangin' with Frank, Dean, and Sammy at the Hellfire Pad.
IMO - the White Queen looks best in this film when her costumes evoke the original 60's Era Emma...
...Mrs. Peel. The lingerie/bra looks just seem too contemporary and Victoria's Secret-ish to me.
Do you want see how Mutants were present Forrest Gump-style at significant historical events?
There's an App for that -- X-Men EXTRA.
Independent Fashion Designer Kato creates original Steampunk apparel for sale through her newly revamped http://www.steampunkcouture.com webstore. Even if you are not familiar with the Steampunk genre you will admire her unique designs, creative style, and beautifuly presented fashions. There are full costume ensembles as well as individual pieces -- some of which could cross over into edgy everyday wear. Really, I would so wear that Tentacle Poncho come Fall.
Another batch of 4 new X-Men:First Class clips have hit - now focusing on the Hellfire Club and other villainy. This one "Excellent Question" features January Jones as the White Queen Emma Frost.
I actually skipped watching the other 3 of these as they are getting a bit too spoilery for me -- I'd like some surprises left when I see the movie. But here's a link to the rest @ SpinoffOnline if you feel curious.
After the epic fail of the live action series attempt Princess Diana comes back fighting. A Classic Wonder Woman shows up just in time to rescue Batman and Steve Trevor in the opening segment
of the next Batman: The Brave and The Bold Animated Series.
The main story of the episode is titled The Scorn of Star Sapphire and features a Batman team up with Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)...of course. Airs 5/27/11 on the Cartoon Network.
Variety has reported Fox is looking at 8 potential directors for The Wolverine the X-Men Origins sequel -- which Darren Aronofsky opted out of due to issues over control of the project. Under consideration are Jose Padilha (Elite Squad, upcoming Robocop remake), Doug Liman (The Bourne Identity, Mr. and Mrs. Smith), Antoine Fuqua (Training Day, Shooter), Mark Romanek (One Hour Photo, Never Let Me Go),
Justin Lin (Fast & Furious, Fast Five), Gavin O’Connor (Pride and Glory, upcoming Warrior)
James Mangold (3:10 To Yuma, Knight and Day) and last but the most interesting Gary Shore
a Commercial Director and the creator of this awesome Wolverine vs. The Hand fan trailer.
Like the Facebook page for romantic comedy Green With Envy ...
...and you are rewarded with a clever Muppets Trailer.
Teaser trailer for The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of The Unicorn has an interesting Film Noir feel.
I'll admit I'm not fan of Mo-Cap -- I find it creepy.
Many people do -- it's the effect known as the Uncanny Valley.
Much more clever than the Dr. Pepper and Acura mash-up tie-in ads for Thor. And since the Farmers' ad campaign already features J.K. Simmons (J. Jonah Jameson in Raimi’s Spider-Man run) it's a nice bonus.