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Saturday, April 30, 2011

My first post....more like fashion inaction.

While I've been over-thinking this first "welcome to my blog and this is stuff I plan to share, comment on and/or snark about" post for about a week now- some of that very "stuff" is is going down and I am failing on the share and the timely comment. So, the first few posts are going to be the trailers for the big summer blockbusters that hit this past week.

Movies, the film business, and film tech are a big part of the "Action" aspect of my blog so it's a fitting place to start. And since "show, don't tell" has always been sound film advice maybe it will serve this blog better than a rambling mission statement. And yes, there will be posts on "Fashion" (whatever that means) as well.

And lastly here's a cool paper doll extra from the obscure comic series that inspired my blog tile - Fashion in Action by John K. Snyder III.

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